This girl grew into a woman.
Who over time had two children, some really boring jobs, and numerous pets, who all died from her poor animal skills. However this girl-woman (yes, that is a word. Look it up in the Dictionary of Coe-isms.) did not outgrow her imagination.
She loved to read other peoples stories, but one day the worst happened. There were no stories of interest. So she wrote her own.
It began in 2007 and is still an on going journey, it was written on the 701 to Bluewater, where she worked in a surf shop which is no longer there, (sad times).
Then after it was completed it got put in the wardrobe.
But now it is back out with the help of some very dear friends!
So its gone from the garage, to the wardrobe and back to here.
It's happening alright, Strangelands & Troublesome Things is going to make it out into the world of stories. With illustrations by the incredibly talented David Frankum check out his work here.
Over the next few days I plan to post the first page from the book, just to see if your imaginations can handle it!
Can't wait to read the whole book, and loving the Blog too, more please!