Saturday, April 27, 2013

I <3 inspiration

I just love it when a song, or a film or a book just comes along and sweeps you off your feet.

Last night that happened when I watched this ....

It reminded me of the conversation I had with one of my best friends who is also editing the book for me. By editing I mean checking my spelling, grammar, and punctuation. I said to her, back in 2007 when I started this, the characters in the book didn't have mobile phones, or laptops. But now they do, this draft around! I said "Do you think the young kids will get it? will my teenagers in this book be like them?"
and she replied "Yes, of course. Teenagers don't change through the ages, have you noticed teenagers haven't changed in literature?"
I thought "I guess not."

This film also reminded me of how much I <3 Broken Social Scene, (I was moaning the other day I didn't have a soundtrack to write too).

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The joys of writing for yourself....

It's beautifully sunny here right now, it's the second day of the great British summer which may last a week if we are honest. I've been at work since half nine, come home thinking I really want to try and convert my legs from the rare blue tone they have to milky white...for those of us with Scottish blood, that's a tan.

But I should really crack on with the editing of Strangelands & Troublesome things, and change my printer cartridge.

I'm so organised, I'm going to hate this desk soon I can tell.

Although in more exciting news, I had a n epic meeting with Dave, the epic illustrator, so many exciting things are coming this way!!!!!! And I'm not going to tell you! (insert evil laughter here).

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

World Book Night....

At work I received a text today asking what World Book Night was. Fortunately I was right in front of a PC and looked it up.

It is the great idea, that 20,000 volunteers take to the streets this evening and hand out 20 copies of their favourite book, to members of the community who look like non-readers. How you distinguish that, I don't know. I think intense training was under taken to ensure this.

I've been thinking what is my favourite book?

Honest answer... I don't know. I love too many books! I have narrowed it down though.

Tales From Moomin Valley:
I love the Moomins, I even have a tattoo to prove it. Fact. The innocence, courage, joy and sense of adventure in these books is overwhelming and heart warming, The fact that after a tremulous time, i.e saving the world from a  flood, comet, or magician that came from the moon, all you need is Moomin Mama, a hug and some raspberry juice and it's all ok.
We have two copies of the Moomin books, one for the kids to read, and my own personal ancient, well loved ones!

Mister God This Is Anna:
I read this when I was 19 just after my Dad died. A book I've kept, but never re-read. Moving, Funny and heart breaking.
Like Water For Chocolate:
My friend recommended this,  it relates the bizarre history of the all-female De La Garza family. Tita, the youngest daughter of the house, has been forbidden to marry, condemned by Mexican tradition to look after her mother until she dies. But Tita falls in love with Pedro, and he is seduced by the magical food she cooks. In desperation Pedro marries her sister Rosaura so that he can stay close to her. For the next twenty-two years Tita and Pedro are forced to circle each other in unconsummated passion. Only a freakish chain of tragedies, bad luck and fate finally reunite them against all the odds.

My guilty pleasure......Saraha hangs her head in shame..........................

The Twilight Saga!!!! I'm Team Edward by the way :P

What books would you hand out?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Once there was a girl....

who's imagination was sooo big, even bigger than her, who at eleven was very tall for her age. This girl liked to tell to stories, in her head to herself. She liked walking to school on her own, well it looked liked walking, but in her mind she was often riding a unicorn, or being escorted by Moomin Troll, who by the way waited for her after school everyday by the gates.
This girl grew into a woman.
Who over time had two children, some really boring jobs, and numerous pets, who all died from her poor animal skills. However this girl-woman (yes, that is a word. Look it up in the Dictionary of Coe-isms.) did not outgrow her imagination.
She loved to read other peoples stories, but one day the worst happened. There were no stories of interest. So she wrote her own.
It began in 2007 and is still an on going journey, it was written on the 701 to Bluewater, where she worked in a surf shop which is no longer there, (sad times).
Then after it was completed it got put in the wardrobe.

But now it is back out with the help of some very dear friends!
So its gone from the garage, to the wardrobe and back to here.
It's happening alright, Strangelands & Troublesome Things is going to make it out into the world of stories. With illustrations by the incredibly talented David Frankum check out his work here.
Over the next few days I plan to post the first page from the book, just to see if your imaginations can handle it!