Monday, July 28, 2014

The eagle has landed!

3 Simple words. Its. Been. Released.

Only the first three chapters mind, but here are the deets on where you can buy it.

At Amazon, you can currently get it on your kindle for 77p, and also order  a paper back if you are old school like that. The paper back is £5.49.

You can also buy the papaer back from feed a read at a reduced price. See, I do all the sourcing to get you the best financial deal! :P

The link is above ^.

So what now? Well, I shall continue to diligently edit the remaining 22 chapters, to hopefully deliver it to your kindle screens in time for October.  I am hoping that those of you who have read it are desperate to find out what happens next, and how the story ends!

I would like to thank those of you who have so waited so patiently for the books release, and for supporting David and I.  Also head over  David's blog and check out his new TinTin/Twin Peaks merge. It is something to behold!

One last thing Wishing my bestie Caz the best of luck and a speedy recovery at the hospital today xxxxxx