Saturday, May 4, 2013

To F**k or not to F**k.

I have a conundrum....and I genuinely need help!

In the book, sometimes, it "felt right" for some of our characters to drop the f-bomb. I know they are 15/16, and I recall being much younger and saying f**k, s***t, and all the other lovely profanities that accompany that part of the English language. But, I'm a little bit like, Do I take them out and replace them with "Frikin'", in my opinion, it's too American, this book is set in England. I want to avoid the English/American merge, cross over that happens.

I think this wouldn't be a problem, if I wasn't a Mum, I know my kids will swear when I'm not around, I reckon they do it now sometimes, and have a good snigger after. But, I keep thinking, is it right? I'm of the mind-set at the moment, that as long as it's in character, and context, and not overly used, (although I am awful for cursing during everyday conversation as though it is just another normal word, or use it as a filler until the right word pops into my head to carry the conversation forward, I know I'm such a lady!) it will be ok.

Thoughts please!!!

P.s I promise the first page, as soon as I have retyped the chapters. It won't be long I swear...boom boom!